


Includes prenatal, labor, birth, postpartum, newborn and lactation care through 6 weeks

Global Care Fee

Prenatal Care

One of the hallmarks of midwifery care is the time we spend with you prenatally.  In addition to checking in on you and your baby physically, I like to also spend time getting to know you, your partner and any of your other children if applicable.  I see you as a whole person, family and unit as opposed to only a belly and I am genuinely interested in listening to your concerns, answering your questions, and building a trusting and loving relationship with you all.  Due to the comprehensive nature of midwifery care, you can expect your prenatal visits to last about one hour, and sometimes even longer depending on what is going on.  All visits are held in my office with the exception of the 36 week team visit.  Your partner, children or other companions are always welcome and encouraged to accompany you during your visits.  My schedule of care involves one visit every four weeks until your 28th week of pregnancy, switching to once every two weeks until your 36th week, followed by weekly appointments from that point forward until your baby is born.  At your 36 week appointment we will have a team visit, with everyone you plan on having present at your birth in attendance, including my birth assistant, and possibly a midwifery student. 

During your prenatal appointments I will check your blood pressure and pulse, measure your baby’s growth, check the position of your baby using my hands on the outside of your belly, and listen to your baby’s heart beat.  I will provide you will informed choice documents covering the options you have for care and discuss them with you.  Examples of these might include screening for gestational diabetes or vitamin K for your newborn.  On your first visit you can also expect to have your blood drawn so that we may know things such as your blood type and factor, your iron levels, and your immune status for certain infections.

Nutrition is also a rather large component of the care and counseling I provide.  Excellent nutrition and a whole foods diet is important for your and your babies health, as well as a happy and healthy pregnancy and birth.  Your pregnancy can also be a time to improve your diet and nutritional status, and I offer support and guidance for you while you make these changes and achieve your nutrition and wellness goals.

When your labor begins, we will be in contact and I will come to your home and support you while assuring the safety of both you and the baby.  I will follow your lead and desires during your labor, which may mean I am very present and encouraging, or provide you and your support person with privacy while I monitor you and your babe as unobtrusively as possible.  

I am prepared to catch your baby wherever is comfortable for you, whether this is in the tub, leaning over the kitchen sink, or on your bed.  I will assist you with your birth as gently and peacefully as possible.  Your baby will be placed in your arms immediately after being born and remain there.  Immediately following the birth, either my assistant or I will be checking on the baby (while they remain in your arms), and the other will continue to monitor you and assist you with the delivery of your placenta.  I do not cut the umbilical cord until after the cord has stopped pulsing, and generally not until after you have delivered your placenta.  The only time I would ever cut the cord before then is if you or your baby’s life was dependent on it.

I will remain at your house for approximately 3-4 hours after the birth and do not leave until mom and baby are stable and you are both comfortable.  During this time I will perform a newborn exam, monitor your vitals, check for any perineal tears and repair them if necessary.  Before I leave I will make sure that breastfeeding/feeding has been established, you have had a meal, and that you are able to empty your bladder.  By the time I leave, you will all be ready for a big sleep!  I will leave you with information on what to expect during those first 24 hours, when to call, and will be back to check on you the following day.

Postpartum Care, Including Newborn Care and Lactation Support
The days and weeks after your baby arrives are times of enormous transition.  Postpartum care is extensive in order to support you through these milestones.  I will come to your home at one day, three days, 1 week, and 2 weeks after birth.  Your last appointment at six weeks postpartum will be held at my office. You may have more or less visits depending on your needs.  During these visits I will be checking in with you and your baby physically and emotionally with a focus on breastfeeding support.  I offer well woman and gyn care, including a pap test and breast exam if needed at our final six week visit. I will file your baby's official birth certificate with the state, and offer the newborn metabolic screen as well.

  • Doula Care


    I offer my services as a labor and birth doula.  This care package will also include two prenatal and one postpartum meeting.   No matter the birth setting, the support and experience of a certified professional midwife is available to you!